Family Camp is a comedy film starring Tommy Woodard as Tommy Ackerman, Leigh-Allyn Baker as Grace Ackerman, and Eddie James as Eddie Sanders, among others. The film was released in theatres on May 13, 2022, and received a mixed response from audiences and critics. It is streaming on OTT.

Where to watch Family Camp?

The film is streaming on Netflix. Family Camp is directed and written by Brian Cates and Rene Gutteridge.


The plot of the film revolves around businessman Tommy Ackerman, who struggles to balance his demanding job with maintaining a healthy relationship with his wife, Grace, and their two children, Hannah and Henry. When Grace insists on going on a family trip, they plan to attend Camp Katokwah, a church camp located in the Ouachita National Forest.

However, Tommy’s life takes a drastic turn when he realises that he forgot to complete their reservation for a cabin. As a result, the family is forced to share a yurt with an unusual family. The events that unfold next are revealed throughout the film.

Cast and production of Family Camp

The cast of the film includes Tommy Woodard as Tommy Ackerman, Eddie James as Eddie Sanders, Gigi Orsillo as Victoria Sanders, Leigh-Allyn Baker as Grace Ackerman, Jacob M Wade as Henry Ackerman, Elias Kemuel as Ed Jr Sanders, Mark Christopher Lawrence as Pastor Dave, Robert Amaya as Joel, and Heather Land as Cookie, among others.

It is produced by Jay Howver, Justin Tolley, Trey Reynolds, and Darren Moorman under the banner of K-LOVE Films, Reserve Entertainment, Provident Films, and Skit Guys Studios.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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