Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is busy these days promoting his film ‘Sky Force’. The film is all set to release in theaters on January 24. Akshay recently spoke to the media. Meanwhile, he also talked about the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan. Akshay Kumar praised Saif Ali Khan’s bravery.
Akshay praised Saif
On the night of 16 January, a thief entered Saif Ali Khan’s house and attacked him with a knife. To save his family, Saif confronts the thief, leaving him injured. Talking about Saif Ali Khan, Akshay Kumar said that it is a great thing that Saif Ali Khan is safe. We are happy. The entire Bollywood industry is happy that he is safe. We should appreciate his bravery in protecting his family and I salute him.
Akshay Kumar also talked about doing a film with Saif Ali Khan. He said that I have done the film ‘Main Khiladi Tu Anari’ with Saif. But next time if we do a film, we will make ‘Tu Khiladi’.”
When will Saif be discharged from the hospital?
Talking about Saif Ali Khan, his health is much better than before. The actor is undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital. He is now out of danger. Saif Ali Khan has undergone two surgeries, one of which removed a 2.5-inch piece of knife stuck near his spinal cord. The actor is recovering rapidly. However, there is also news that he may be discharged from the hospital today.
The film will be released on this day
Talking about ‘Sky Force’, this film of Akshay Kumar is going to be released on January 24. The film ‘Sky Force’ is directed by Abhishek Anil Kapoor and Sandeep Kewalani. Veer Pahadia is debuting in Bollywood with ‘Sky Force’. Veer is the grandson of former Maharashtra Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde. Actress Janhvi Kapoor’s boyfriend Shikhar Pahadia is Veer’s brother.