Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, who was set to promote his upcoming film Sky Force at the grand finale of the reality show Bigg Boss 18, left the sets without shooting for his segment after host Salman Khan failed to arrive on time. As per reports, Akshay waited for quite some time before deciding to walk off the sets.
Akshay, who is known for his punctuality, reportedly reached the sets of Bigg Boss 18 at the scheduled time of 2:15 pm, however Salman was running way behind his schedule. The Khiladi actor waited for almost one hour before finally leaving the sets.
Akshay reportedly called and spoke to Salman, stating that he had to leave the sets due to prior commitments elsewhere, and the two decided on collaborating for a different show later.
Reports also mentioned that Salman arrived on the sets of Bigg Boss 18 at 6:30 pm.
Sky Force was thus promoted on Bigg Boss 18 only by Akshay’s co-star, debutante Veer Pahariya. During the episode too, Salman mentioned that Akshay could not attend the grand finale as he had to rush to another event.
Meanwhile, the top six contestants to reach Bigg Boss 18 grand finale were Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, Avinash Mishra, Rajat Dalal, Eisha Singh and Chum Darang.
Eisha was the first one to get eliminated from the house on the finale night, and she was escorted out of the house by none other than Veer Pahariya. She was followed by Chum Darang, who was taken out by her mother.