Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is back with yet another film laced with patriotism, titled Sky Force. The trailer of the film was released by the makers on Sunday, and the film introduces debutant Veer Pahariya, while also featuring Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur among others.

The 2 minute 48 seconds long trailer of Sky Force begins with Indian Air Force officers Akshay and Veer pledging to avenge the attacks on India by the neighbouring country of Pakistan. They thus launch India’s first-ever airstrike on Pakistan’s airbase, Sargodha, however, they end up losing Veer during the combat.

While Veer’s wife, Sara Ali Khan, is distraught by her husband going missing, Akshay is convinced that his daredevil teammate is alive in Pakistan, and strives to get him back from the clutches of the enemy. “We pledge to never leave one of us behind,” Akshay states.

The trailer is laced with dialogues screaming tales of ‘naya Hindustan’, and ends with a monologue by Akshay about patriotism. While Akshay seems to be back in his element after a series of flops over the past two years, debutant Veer as the risk-taking officer looks promising.

While Sara, who plays the heartbroken wife of missing Veer, does not have much to offer in the trailer, Nimrat Kaur and Sharad Kelkar have blink and miss appearances.

One of the high points of the trailer has to be the rendition of Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon, which is sure to invoke goosebumps if used right in the film.

Going by the trailer, Sky Force seems to be the film which has the potential to get Akshay back in the game after his disastrous past two years, while it also offers Veer a great platform to shine, given that it marks his debut.

Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur, Sky Force is set to hit the silver screens on January 24, ahead of Republic Day.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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