Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan has been in the headlines for some time now regarding her married life. Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya’s divorce rumors have been doing the rounds all this year, although the couple has maintained silence on the matter. However, amidst all this, this statement remains a topic of discussion that Aishwarya Rai has changed a lot. Let us tell you who is this person who has given such a statement and why?
Sona Mahapatra gave statement
Famous singer Sona Mahapatra has given a statement in an interview that Aishwarya Rai has changed a lot after gaining fame. Sona said that before and after becoming Miss World, I have seen other changes in her personality. He works 18 hours a day, so that he can be independent and not under anyone’s control. Sona also talked about the changes she saw in Aishwarya, remembering the old days Sona said that when I met Aishwarya for the first time, I was in Mumbai for the NID entrance exam. At that time she was studying architecture. She was very smart and beautiful. She was well-spoken and a top student. For your information, let us tell you that Aishwarya’s dream was to become an architect and that is why she had also taken admission in Rachanasan Said Academy of Architecture.