Mumbai: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecasted predominantly clear skies in the city of dreams, Mumbai. The air quality has been deteriorating each day, increasing worries about health and the environment among the community. Review temperatures and the weather forecast for tomorrow as the year concludes to plan appropriately.

Mumbai Climate Update

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts that Mumbai will mostly have clear skies on December 30. The temperature will vary from a low of 18 degrees Celsius in the early morning to a high of 33 degrees Celsius during the day, resulting in a warm yet enjoyable day overall. The sun is set to rise at 7:10 AM and will set at 6:11 PM, providing nearly 11 hours of daylight.

Weather Prediction For December 31

December 31 is expected to have mostly clear skies, with cooler temperatures fluctuating between a morning low of 17 degrees Celsius and a daytime high of 34 degrees Celsius.

Mumbai Air Quality Index

The Air Quality Index (AQI) indicates that Mumbai’s air quality stands at 131, marking it as poor. People with respiratory issues are advised to stay indoors and cautioned.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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