AIIMS CRE Admit Card 2025: The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has issued hall tickets for its Common Recruitment Exam (CRE) 2025. Applicants who are going to appear in the February 26 to 28, 2025 exam can download and view their admit cards from the official website of AIIMS at

AIIMS CRE Admit Card 2025: How to download the hall tickets?

To download the AIIMS CRE admit card 2025, aspirants need to follow the mentioned below steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website of AIIMS at

Step 2: Click on the Recruitment tab and then on the Common Recruitment Exam (CRE) 2025 after that select the admit card link.

Step 3: After this, enter the candidate ID or mobile number and password, and then enter.

Step 4: Now, the AIIMS CRE Admit Card 2025 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Download the AIIMS CRE Admit Card 2025 and take a printout of the same for further reference.

Click here to download and view AIIMS CRE Admit Card 2025

AIIMS CRE 2025: Exam schedule

As per the AIIMS CRE 2025 exam timetable, the exam is scheduled for February 26th, 27th and 28th, 2025. The exam will be conducted in two shifts i.e., 9 am to 12 noon and 3 pm to 6 pm.

The timetable follows as below:

– Candidates who have group codes: 27, 33, 41, 42, 46, 52, 54, 56, 58 & 64 will appear in the morning shift (9 am to 12 noon) on February 26th, 2025. On the same day, applicants who fall in 6, 10, 20, 23, 53 & 61 group codes will appear in the afternoon shift (3 pm to 6 pm).

– Candidates who have group codes: 3, 5, 11, 25, 29, 37, 39, 47 & 48 will appear in the morning shift (9 am to 12 noon) on February 27th, 2025. On the same day, applicants who fall into 19 group codes will appear in the afternoon shift (3 pm to 6 pm).

– At last, Candidates who have group codes: 1, 2, 8, 12, 15, 22, 26, 40, 49 & 50 will sit in the morning shift (9 am to 12 noon) on February 28th, 2025. On the same day, applicants who fall in 4, 7, 9, 14, 18, 21, 24, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 44, 51, 57, 59, 60, 63, 65 & 66 group code will appear in afternoon shift (3 pm to 6 pm).

AIIMS CRE 2025: Exam day guidelines

Before appearing in the exam centre, candidates need to read all the guidelines mentioned below:

1. Applicants must bring a printed copy of the AIIMS CRE Admit Card to the test centre, along with proper identification.

2. For applicants who apply to more than one group, a maximum of two papers will be conducted in two shifts. The question papers will be displayed in the order specified in the exam program.

3. Applicants must arrive at the exam hall by the reporting time specified on their admit card. After the exam closure time, no applicants will be permitted to take the exam.

4. Aspirants who submitted applications for several groups received different admit cards, and they must carry them for their respective shifts.

5. Aspirants must carry two copies of their admit card (full page).

6. All electronic devices, including mobile phones, pagers, and calculators, are not permitted to be carried into the exam centre.

AIIMS CRE 2025: Selection process

Aspirants for different positions, such as Nursing Officers, Public Health Nurses, Assistant Engineers, Administrative Officers, Operators, Lab Attendants, Nursing Attendants, Multi-Tasking Staff, and other Group B and C openings, must take a Computer-Based Test. Those that qualify will advance to the next step, the Skill Test.

AIIMS CRE 2025: Passing marks

The AIIMS CRE exam includes 100 objective-type questions, with each correct answer getting 1 mark and ¼ mark subtracted for each erroneous response. To be eligible, UR/EWS applicants must obtain a minimum of 40%, OBC applicants must get at least 35%, and SC/ST applicants must achieve at least 30%.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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