Agriculture : Earthworms are considered friends of farmers. The presence of earthworms in the field helps in increasing production. You will be surprised to know that the more earthworms break down, the more new earthworms are formed.

Here the question in your mind is that how does an earthworm remain alive even after being broken into pieces? What is the ultimate reason behind this happening?

The earthworm is a strange creature in itself. Its special physical structure and lifestyle make it special. There is a special reason behind how the earthworm remains alive even after being divided into two pieces.

Let us tell you that earthworm is an organism whose body is divided into many parts. Its body consists of 100 to 150 segments and each segment is connected by small connections between them.

Each part of the earthworm contains many important organs. It is essential for the life of earthworms. Its body has two main parts, front and back. The front part is used for eating food and the back part is used for functioning of various body parts.

When an earthworm hatches from the egg, its body may disintegrate, but the front and sometimes the back survive. The main reason for this is that his body is divided into parts and each part has its own independent ability.

The structure of the earthworm’s body is such that if any one part of the body gets damaged, the rest of the body has the ability to keep itself alive.

If the back half of an earthworm is cut off, it can get the nutrition it needs to survive from its other half.

However, the earthworm dies if its head is cut off. The head contains its brain and other vital organs necessary to maintain its life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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