After Janhvi Kapoor, actor Shreyas Talpade has said that Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna’s Pushpa 2: The Rule deserves all the IMAX screens in India. This comes after several fans expressed disappointment over Christopher Nolan’s iconic film Interstellar not getting screens in India due to Pushpa 2. For those unversed, Interstellar re-released globally in IMAX on December 6 but it failed to get screens in India.
During an interaction with Zoom, Shreyas, who lent his voice to Allu Arjun’s character Pushpa Raj in the Hindi version of the film, said that Indian content should be prioritised over the re-release of an old film.
“Pushpa 2 is doing so well. It is our content that first deserves the screen here. It is as simple as that. Later on, anything else. It’s the re-release of some old English film and compared to that, Pushpa 2 is doing so well. The film deserves those screens or any Hindi film for that matter. They need to be given priority as simple as that,” he said.
Shreyas added, “It’s just like how we ask for screens for Marathi films in Maharashtra. That is our only market. If we don’t get screens and those time slots, the prime-time slots, then what’s the point? Clearly, Pushpa is deserving.” Shreyas also acts in Marathi films.
On December 6, actress Janhvi Kapoor also defend Pushpa 2 and Indian cinema. After fans lamented the lack of screen space for Interstellar re-release in India, Janhvi questioned the tendency to idolise Western films while undermining Indian projects.
“Pushpa 2 is also cinema. Why are we so obsessed with idolising the west and running down things that come out of our own country and instantly disqualifying it from being considered as worthy?” Janhvi asked.
“The same rooted representation and larger than life tone other countries appreciate and our fascinated by our cinema for, we ourselves are embarrassed of. Sad,” she further commented under an Instagram post.
The release of Pushpa 2 has generated quite a buzz across India and fans are leaving no stone unturned to express their excitement. The film has shattered box office records and cemented itself as one of the biggest films of Indian cinema. Within two days of its release, the Sukumar-directorial earned Rs 400 crore globally.
Shreyas Talpade’s upcoming films
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shreyas was last seen in the web series Zindaginama. He will next be seen in films like Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency and Welcome To The Jungle.