Punjabi singer Karan Aujla, the voice behind Vicky Kaushal’s hit track Tauba Tauba from Bad Newz, is gearing up to launch his India tour, It Was All A Dream Tour, starting in Chandigarh on December 7. Ahead of the show, a complaint has been filed against him by professor Panditrao Dharnevar, a resident in Chandigarh, alleging that Karan’s music promotes harmful content, including the glorification of alcohol, drugs, and violence.

According to a report in ABP, the professor has requested Karan o refrain from performing tracks like Chitta Kurta, Few Days, Adhia, Bandook, Alcohol 2, and Gangsta during his concer. He stated that these songs could have a negative impact on listeners.

Panditrao Dharnevar has also warned that he will file a defamation lawsuit against the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) and the Director General of Police (DGP) of Chandigarh if Aujla performs these songs at his concert. He said that they would be held accountable for allowing the concert to take place.

Karan Aujla is yet to react to the complaint.

Earlier, Diljit Dosanjh, who is currently on his Dil-Luminate Tour, was served a notice by the Telangana government and prohibited from performing songs that referenced alcohol.

The singer, however, tweaked his songs ‘5 tara theke’ to ‘5 tara hotel’, and ‘daaru ‘ch lemonade’ to ‘Coke ‘ch lemonade, but took a dig at the situation, stating that he would stop singing alcohol-themed songs if all the ‘thekas’ (liquor shops) in the country were shut down.

Further, taking a jibe at fellow artists, particularly Bollywood actors who endorse alcohol brands, Dosanjh remarked, “Let’s start a movement—if all states ban liquor consumption completely, I will never sing a song about alcohol again in my entire life. Is this possible?”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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