The increasing number of slums in various parts of Mumbai has become a major issue. To address this, Mumbai North West MP Ravindra Waikar has emphasized that the Prime Minister’s Housing Scheme should be effectively implemented in the city. He believes that building affordable and quality housing under this scheme will significantly reduce the number of slums. This proposal was raised in the Lok Sabha today under Rule 377.

The growing slums in Mumbai, the challenges in providing basic services to residents, the escalating cost of housing for the city’s poor and middle class, and other related issues were discussed in the proposal. Waikar pointed out that the Prime Minister’s Housing Scheme has allocated a budget of ₹10 lakh crore, and he suggested that a plan to build affordable, quality housing in Mumbai under this scheme could help control the increase in slums. He also stressed the need for affordable housing for the middle class and rental housing for poor families so that those wishing to own homes can do so.

By providing good, secure homes through affordable and rental housing schemes, Waikar believes the number of slums will decrease, improving the living standards of both the poor and middle class. Furthermore, this approach will help maintain balanced development in Mumbai. Waikar’s proposal was formally presented in the Lok Sabha.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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