Telugu actress and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Maadhavi Latha reacted to Tadipatri Municipal Chairman JC Prabhakar Reddy’s distasteful comments against her. It all started after JC allegedly used inappropriate language against Madhavi Latha and even called her ‘characterless’. His comments have been strongly condemned by BJP leaders and now the actress-turned-politician also gave a befitting replying to JC.

Madhavi Latha released a video, sarcastically thanking JC for his “choice of words” and also expressed disappointment over those who are supporting him. She mentioned hearing about a case being filed against her but stated she had not received any official notice from the police. The actress remarked that if anyone wants to kill her, they should do it right away, but she would continue fighting for women’s safety.

In the video, Maadhavi Latha also stated that she would not back down when it comes to protecting the dignity and safety of women and that she would fight even if she had to do it alone. Madhavi Latha also criticised JC’s alleged comment that everyone in the film industry is a ‘prostitute’, suggesting people from his district should not join the industry.

She laughed at the news about her and challenged critics to visit Tadipatri to understand who JC Prabhakar Reddy truly is.

What is the controversy?

JC had labelled Maadhavi Latha with derogatory terms, calling her a “waste candidate” and questioning her inclusion in the BJP. His remarks have sparked outrage on social media.

The dispute started after an incident during New Year celebrations in Tadipatri. JC had organised a special event for women at JC Park, which Maadhavi Latha criticised in a video. She alleged that inappropriate activities were taking place at the venue and advised women to avoid visiting the park.

In response, JC vehemently denied the accusations, asserting that no such incidents had occurred. He accused Maadhavi Latha of making baseless claims that insulted women and questioned her opposition to a women-focused event.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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