The Malayalam film Marco has been creating waves not just in south but across India, and actor Unni Mukundan has now revealed that as much as 300 litre of ‘blood’ was used in the making of the film. He also shared that he almost lost his eyesight due to the film.
Mukundan told India Today that the ‘blood’ used in the film was made using a chemical and lots of sugar, and that around 300 litre of the substance was used by the time the shoot ended. “It was a chemical with a lot of sugar in it. So, if you are diabetic, you should not be a part of a film with such bloodshed. It’s too sweet,” he joked.
He also revealed that he had to use certain chemical in his eyes to make it look more red and realistic. “Because of temperature changes, this material would get sticky. My doctor later told me that it could have literally damaged my eyes. I shouldn’t have done it,” he stated.
Marco released in theatres on December 20, 2024, and it emerged to be a sleeper hit at the theatres despite tough competition from films like Allu Arjun’s blockbuster Pushpa 2 and Varun Dhawan’s Baby John. The film has already crossed Rs 90 crore at the box office, and if it keeps up with the same pace, it will also manage to enter the Rs 100 crore club soon.
Marco, starring Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S Thilakan, and Kabir Duhan Singh, alongside Mukundan, has been directed by Haneef Adeni. The film is touted to be the “most violent movie” of India, laced with copious amounts of blood, gore and action.