Saif Ali Khan was hospitalised yesterday after he was attacked by a burglar at his residence in Bandra. The actor was stabbed and he underwent a surgery. After the surgery, the actor’s team had shared a statement which read, “Saif Ali Khan has come out of surgery and is out of danger. He is currently in recovery and the doctors are monitoring his progress. All family members are safe and the police is investigating the incident. We would like to thank Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr Leena Jain and the team at Lilavati hospital. Thank you to all his fans and well-wishers for their prayers and thoughts during this time.”
Saif has a packed 2025 with multiple releases and shooting schedules lined up. Now, according to a report in Mid-Day, the actor has wrapped up the shooting of his movie Jewel Thief which is slated to release on 27th March 2025. Saif has completed the dubbing of the film, and only two days dubbing is left. So, the team will kickstart the promotions of the movie from mid-March. The actor also has an OTT release lined up titled Kartavya, and a source told the tabloid that the promotions of the movie will start after May.
When it comes to shooting of the films, reportedly Saif starrer Race 4 will start rolling in August and currently, the producers are in the process of finalising the director. According to reports, he also has a film with Priyadarshan lined up.
There are multiple reports about Saif’s attack doing the rounds. So, last night, Kareena took to Instagram to share a note which read, “It has been an incredibly challenging day for our family, and we are still trying to process the events that have unfolded. As we navigate this difficult time, I respectfully and humbly request that the media and paparazzi refrain from the relentless speculation and coverage.”
“While we appreciate the concern and support, the constant scrutiny and attention are not only overwhelming but also pose a significant risk to our safety. I kindly request that you respect our boundaries and give us the space we need to heal and cope as a family. I would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation during this sensitive time,” the note further read.
We pray for the actor’s speedy recovery and hope that he gets on the sets soon.