Mumbai: Shocking details have emerged in the investigation of the attack on Saif Ali Khan. During interrogation, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, the accused in the Saif attack case, admitted that he had also attempted to break into Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat bungalow on January 14.

According to police sources, Shariful tried to enter Mannat at 2:42 AM on January 14. He successfully climbed the boundary wall but was forced to abandon his plan due to the sharp wire fencing and tight internal security.

CCTV footage from Mannat captured the accused attempting to breach the premises, providing crucial evidence in the ongoing investigation. Just two days later, Shahzad broke into Saif Ali Khan’s residence and carried out a life-threatening attack. He is currently in police custody, facing multiple charges. Authorities are continuing their probe to uncover further links and motives behind his actions.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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