Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The cyber police investigating Gurugram case, had got a major lead. The five arrested accused had revealed names of their counterparts, officials said here on Monday. The Gurgram case came to light when anti-terrorist squad (ATS) team of MP conducted raid at a flat and detained six allegedly involved in cybercrime on January 10.

One of the accused Himanshu, tried to run away from the police and fell down from the building and died. The case is investigated by two agencies – ATS and cyber police. Jabalpur cyber police have registered the case of cyber cheating and while investigating the case, the ATS got a clue of terror funding.

Cyber police informed that the police are trying to excess digital gadgets. During interrogation, the five had revealed names of their counterparts. ‘The cyber experts are trying to match their given names through digital forensic signatures. As soon as connections are verified, the police will nab them accordingly’, SP Rashmi Kharya said.

It is claimed that the fraud is linked with terror funding, because a big part of the amount had gone into the pockets of anti-national outfits. She also added that international links of this racket is under investigation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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