Police have received new information in the case of attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The arrested accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad has confessed to his crime before the police. During interrogation, the accused said, “Yes, I was the one who attacked,” which is considered an important statement for the police investigation. The attack took place on the night of January 16 at Saif’s Bandra residence, where the accused attacked him with a knife.
According to the police, the accused is a citizen of Bangladesh, who had come to Mumbai last four to five months ago. He worked as housekeeping staff at Ricky’s Bar in Thane and posed as Vijay Das to hide his identity. He also told that he was struggling with financial crisis. On the night of 16 January, he attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife, causing serious injuries to his neck, shoulder and spine. Saif was immediately taken to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery and a 2.5-inch long blade piece was removed from the spine.
Police arrested the accused from Thane and sent him on police remand for 5 days. The court on Sunday sent the accused to police custody, where his investigation is ongoing. According to the police, the accused had come to India illegally and was already linked to a criminal connection.
This matter is a big shock not only for Bollywood but also for the people of Mumbai. After the incident, questions are being raised on the security arrangements. Saif’s family and fans have prayed for his speedy recovery. This incident has also sparked important debate on the problem of illegal immigrants.