Life and death are in God’s hands. Only God knows when, why and how someone will die, but many such things have been mentioned in our religious texts which reduce our lifespan. In the abridged Garuda Purana issue published by Geeta Press Gorakhpur, such activities have also been mentioned which reduce the lifespan of a human being. These works are as follows-
Eating curd at night – According to Garuda Purana, eating curd at night reduces the lifespan of a person. Although eating curd is beneficial for the body, but consuming curd at night increases the chances of many diseases like stomach diseases etc. Even in Ayurveda, eating curd at night is prohibited. Because after eating food at night, we do not work hard and go to sleep after some time, due to which the food is not digested properly. There are many side effects of curd not being digested properly in the stomach, which can cause many diseases in the body. Therefore one should not eat curd at night.
Meat consumption – Eating meat also reduces the lifespan of a human being. Eating meat causes infection with many types of dangerous bacteria and viruses. When a person eats this meat, bacteria and viruses also enter his stomach along with the meat and cause many types of diseases. Nature has not made man a non-vegetarian. You must have noticed that carnivorous animals have 4 big teeth. 2 above and 2 below… like a lion or a leopard… and all the teeth of herbivorous animals are equal, like humans, cows etc. The human digestive system is not capable of digesting meat properly. Non-vegetarian people give rise to many diseases. These diseases reduce the lifespan of humans.
sleeping late in the morning- Sleeping late in the morning also reduces the lifespan of a person. From the point of view of Ayurveda, there is more pure air in Brahma Muhurta in the morning than in the whole day. By inhaling the air of Brahma Muhurta, many diseases of the body are automatically cured and the respiratory system also remains healthy. If you sleep late, you are not able to inhale the pure air of Brahma Muhurta and many types of diseases surround you. Therefore, sleeping late in the morning reduces the lifespan of a person.
Due to smoke from crematorium – The dead bodies are cremated in the crematorium. As the body dies, it becomes infected by many types of bacteria and viruses. Who knows how many such dead bodies are brought to the crematorium and burnt every day? When these dead bodies are cremated, some bacteria-viruses are destroyed along with the dead body and some spread into the environment along with the smoke. When a person comes in contact with that smoke, these bacteria viruses stick to his body and spread many types of diseases. These diseases can reduce the lifespan of a person.