Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh): A disturbing video has surfaced on social media, where a youth can be seen hitting three children with a chappal and forcing them to chant ‘Jai Shree Ram.’ The children are said to be from the Muslim community, and as soon as one of them cried ‘Allaha,’ the accused started hitting them harder.
The incident was reported in Madhya Pradesh’s Ratlam district.
As the youth thrashed the three children with slippers and hurled abuses at them, another man recorded the incident on camera.
Watch the video here:
The man visible in the video got more violent when one of the boys uttered ‘Allah’ after being hit. He then started thrashing them harder, and the scared children started to chant, ‘Jai Shree Ram.’
He is also heard accusing the children of learning to smoke cigarettes and asking for their father’s contact numbers while using abusive language.
The children, on the other hand, kept pleading with the man to stop beating them, but he never stopped and instead threatened to throw them in a pond they were sitting beside.
FIR registered
According to police, the children were sitting near an under-construction amusement park at Amritsagar Talab in Ratlam district during the incident, and the matter pertains to Manak Chowk police station jurisdiction.
Police have taken the matter into cognizance and formed a team including cyber officials to investigate the matter. An FIR has been registered against the two unidentified individuals for assault, abuse, issuing death threats, and hurting religious sentiments. Efforts are also underway to locate the accused.