Well-known Gujarati film actor Malhar Thakar and actress Pooja Joshi got married on 26th November, there is a different atmosphere of happiness among their fans after hearing the news of their marriage. According to information received from sources, the news of Malhar Thakar’s special friend Aarohi Patel getting married is also coming out.
worked together in this film
Tatsat Munshi and Aarohi Patel have worked together in the film ‘Om Mangalam Singalam’ and the web series ‘Non-Alcoholic Breakup’. Apart from this, both of them are often seen together. Tatsat Munshi and Aarohi Patel recently posed together in front of people at Malhar Thakar and Pooja Joshi’s reception.
Know when you became friends
Tatsat Munshi and Aarohi Patel became friends on the sets of the web series Non-Alcoholic Breakup and our friendship became stronger after the shooting of the film Om Mangalam Singalam.
friendship like tom and jerry
Tatsat Munshi and Aarohi Patel had said in an interview that ‘Our family calls us Tom and Jerry, our friendship is like theirs. Apart from this, both of them like video games and masala movies.
The caption of the post caught the attention of fans
This post has been shared on social media on the official Instagram account of DCPEPS and while sharing this post it has been written that #majaniwedding There were rumors that these two actors i.e. Aarohi Patel and Tatsat Munshi will get married soon! A heart emoji has also been shared with it. It is also written that if this is true then more details and another big celebrity wedding are awaited!
fans reacted
Fans are giving a lot of reactions in the comment section of this post. One user commented that ‘we knew’. Another user wrote, ‘Very good.’ Apart from this, a user has written that ‘100% but there is still time Aarohi Patel. Apart from this, another user has written that ‘Malhar Thakar has liked this post, hence this news is true.’ Apart from this, other users are also showering love by sharing many emojis.