New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Sanjay Singh on Wednesday took a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), saying that their words should not be taken seriously. He said that people would laugh at the BJP for questioning AAP national convener Kejriwal who gave free electricity, water, education, and treatment to the people of Delhi.

Statement Of AAP Leader Sanjay Singh

“BJP that lies day and night is questioning Kejriwal who provided free electricity, water, education, and treatment. He provided free bus services for women. He built new roads in Delhi and installed three lakh CCTV cameras…People will laugh at them, the people of BJP have become characters of a comedy circus. Therefore, their words should not be taken seriously,” Singh, who is a member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha, told ANI.

“It was the BJP that lies about giving two crore jobs, about doubling the price of farmers’ crops, giving Rs 15 lakhs by bringing back black money,” he added.

The AAP RS MP said that though the party had struggled in the two years the efforts made by the BJP against it have failed due to the people’s support.

“The party whose name itself is Bhartiya Jhootha Party, which lies about giving two crore jobs, lies about doubling the price of farmers’ crops. They lied about giving Rs 15 lakh by bringing back the black money,” Singh said.

“2023 and 2024 were years of struggle for us. I think that the efforts made against us have failed because of the support of the people. May the new year bring prosperity and progress in everyone’s life and may our country leave hatred and keep moving forward on the basis of love,” he added.

About The Origin Of Sanjay Singh’s Reaction

Singh’s reaction comes after Virendraa Sachdeva on Wednesday wrote a letter to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal, asking him to give up his “bad habits of lying and cheating.”

“All of us, since our childhood, take a resolution on New Year’s Day to give up bad habits and do something good and new. Today, on the first day of New Year 2025, all the people of Delhi hope that you will bring about meaningful change in yourself by giving up your bad habits of lying and cheating,” Sachdeva, Delhi BJP chief, wrote in his letter.

He asked Kejriwal to take five resolutions, demanding an apology from the people of Delhi for promoting liquor in Delhi. The BJP leader also asked Kejriwal to stop making “false” promises and stop playing with the sentiments of women, elderly and religious people.

“I trust you will never swear falsely on your children again. You will publicly apologise for the false assurances given regarding the cleaning of Mother Yamuna and the unpardonable crime of corruption. You will pledge not to meet donations from anti-national forces or take donations for political gains,” Sachdeva wrote.

Sachdeva further suggested that the former Chief Minister of Delhi keep away from “lies and deceit” by improving himself.

Earlier, Kejriwal also wrote a letter to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat, raising several questions related to the actions of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), including whether the RSS thinks that the BJP is weakening democracy.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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