Former Indian cricketer Aakash Chopra believes that spinner Varun Chakraborty can be selected in place of Ravindra Jadeja for the upcoming Champions Trophy. Chakravarthy has performed brilliantly since his return to the Indian team in September 2024, especially in the Vijay Hazare Trophy, where he troubled the batsmen and played well in every match. In this tournament, Varun has also achieved the title of second highest wicket taker by taking 18 wickets in 6 innings.

Discussing this on his YouTube channel, Aakash Chopra said, “Varun Chakraborty is taking wickets in every match. He has also performed brilliantly in the Vijay Hazare Trophy, notably taking a five-wicket haul against Rajasthan. Ever since he returned to the Indian T20 team, he has been taking wickets continuously.”

Chopra further said, “The market of rumors is hot in Indian cricket, and we get news from many sources, some of which are also true. There is talk that Varun Chakraborty can be selected for the Champions Trophy. If this happens, Ravindra Jadeja may have to be out.”

Since returning to the Indian T20 team in October 2024, Chakravarthy has taken 17 wickets in 7 innings, including a five-wicket haul. At the same time, Ravindra Jadeja’s performance has been under question in the last ODI World Cup 2023 and T20 World Cup 2024.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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