It is an old tradition to see almanac before the beginning of any auspicious work in Hinduism. It not only gives information about the date and war, but also gives information about the important things like planetary move, constellation, yoga, sunrise-sun, the position of the moon, auspicious and inauspicious Muhurta, Rahukaal and Disha Shool. Let’s know today the almanac of Tuesday, 25 March 2025, which can help in making your day auspicious and successful.

Today’s Almanac: 25 March 2025, Day – Tuesday

  • wise: Tuesday
  • Date: Ekadashi (Krishna Paksha)
  • Month: Chaitra month
  • Vikram era: 2081
  • Saka era: 1946
  • Lunar: Capricorn
  • constellation: Hearing
  • sum: Shiva Yoga till 2:52 pm, then Siddha Yoga
  • Sunrise: 6:22 am
  • sunset: 6:29 pm
  • Moonsod: Information not given
  • Lunar: Information not given
  • Rahukal: 3:27 in the afternoon to 4:57 pm
  • Abhijeet Muhurta: 11:40 am to 12:30 am
  • Wicked Muhurta: nobody
  • Bhadra: Not there
  • Panchak: Not there
  • Teej festival: Papamochani Ekadashi

Today’s direction colic: North direction

On Tuesday, Disha Shul stays in the north direction. If you want to travel in the north direction, it is not appropriate to travel without caution. It is better to postpone the journey of this direction, but if the journey is very necessary then in small amounts Eating jaggery And Shubh Chaughdiya Muhurta Start the journey in This can avoid potential obstacles.

Chaughadiya Muhurta: Auspicious time for day and night

Day Chaoghadiya Muhurta:

Chowghadia Time
Variable 9:23 am to 10:52 am
Benefit 10:52 am to 12:24 in the morning
Nectar 12:24 to 1:56 pm
auspicious 3:27 pm to 4:57 pm

Night Chaoghadiya Muhurta:

Chowghadia Time
Benefit 7:57 to 9:27 pm
auspicious Night 10:55 to 12:24
Nectar Night 12:24 to 1:54
Variable Night 1:54 to 3:22

Chaoghadia Muhurta is considered very auspicious for the journey and start of new works. In these times, if you do any important work like business deal, travel, new investment, or religious work, then the chances of success increase.

Importance of Papamochani Ekadashi

Today Papamochani Ekadashi Is, which is considered the last Ekadashi of the year. By observing fast on this day and worshiping Lord Vishnu, a person gets freedom from the sins of his life and attains salvation. This Ekadashi has special religious significance and is celebrated with great reverence.

If you are planning to start an auspicious work – such as purchase of home, starting a new business, taking a vehicle or travel – then with the help of today’s almanac, you can choose the right time. The work done in auspicious time not only gives success, but also gives mental satisfaction and spiritual happiness.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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