To update Aadhaar for free, you can update using myAadhaar portal. If you do not update Aadhaar before June 14, 2025, you may have to make payment from this date itself.
Aadhaar can be updated for free for 6 months
The last date for free updating of Aadhaar card has been extended once again. This time this date has been extended for 6 months i.e. people will be able to update Aadhaar for free for 6 months. Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has extended the date for free updating of Aadhaar details. UIDAI gave this information on its Twitter handle on Saturday.
UIDAI gave this information
Giving information, Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) said that the last date for free update of Aadhaar has been extended from 14 December 2024 i.e. today to 14 June 2025. To update Aadhaar for free, you can take help of myAadhaar portal. If you do not update Aadhaar before June 14, 2025, you may have to pay charges from this day itself.
Offline updates will be charged
UIDAI has said that fees will have to be paid for offline updates at Aadhaar centres. This free service is offered only on myAadhaar portal. UIDAI said, “UIDAI has extended the free online document upload facility till June 14, 2025 to benefit millions of Aadhaar number holders. This free service is available only on My Aadhaar portal.”
Why is support important?
Aadhaar is a unique number and cannot be duplicated for any Indian resident as it is linked to their biometric information. This system helps identify and prevent fake or non-existent identities, reducing the risk of data leaks. The government also provides benefits of government schemes only to the eligible people by removing duplicate and fake Aadhaar numbers. If someone has a fake Aadhaar or does not have Aadhaar, he may be deprived of many government benefits.
How to update Aadhaar for free?
- First of all go to the official website of UIDAI.
- After this go to ‘My Aadhaar’ and select ‘Update your Aadhaar’.
- Now go to ‘Update Aadhaar Details (Online)’ page and click on ‘Document Update’.
- After this enter your Aadhaar number and captcha code, then click on ‘Send OTP’.
- Enter the OTP sent on your registered mobile number.
- Select the details you want to update (like name, address, date of birth).
- Enter updated information and upload required documents.
- Once your request has been sent, you will receive an SMS to know the status of your update.