bollywood actor Aadar Jain and his fiancee Alekha Advani has recently started its pre-wedding functions in Goa. Pictures of this ceremony are becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which the presence of the Kapoor family and their close friends can be seen. The grand function started at the sea shore, where the couple was seen in a romantic mood.

In the pictures, Alekha is wearing a beautiful dress, while Aadar has adopted a casual but stylish look. However, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor were not seen on this special occasion.

Aadar had proposed Alekha for marriage on the sea shore, after which the couple got engaged in September 2024. Their roka ceremony took place in November last year, and now both are ready to tie the knot. Neetu and Karisma Kapoor have shared pictures of the pre-wedding function, in which Karisma’s daughter Samaira is looking very beautiful in a white outfit.

It is noteworthy that Aadar Jain has previously dated actress Tara Sutaria, but their relationship did not reach the level of marriage. Now, after dating Alekha for almost two years, the couple is going to tie the knot.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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