A shameful incident has come to light in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. A video of a school in Chittorgarh has gone viral on social media, in which two teachers are seen doing obscene acts. As soon as the video went viral, both the teachers have been suspended and a three-member team has been formed to investigate the matter. Further action will be taken based on the report of this team.
District Education Officer Rajendra Kumar Sharma said that both the teachers have been suspended and they have been asked to be present at different places. On the demand of the villagers, a three-member inquiry committee has been formed, which will thoroughly investigate the matter and further action will be taken on the basis of the report.
Objectionable act captured in CCTV
On Saturday, the objectionable actions of a teacher and a teacher in a village school in Gangrar police station area were captured in CCTV cameras. According to the villagers, the teacher was working in this school for about 14 years and his relationship with the teacher was being discussed in the village for a long time. The management committee of the school had also objected to this.
It is alleged that the teacher used to threaten the villagers to complain to the police for interfering in government work, due to which no villager was able to complain against him. Even after all the persuasion, the teacher did not desist from his actions, after which the villagers installed CCTV cameras in the school, and the objectionable actions of both were captured in the video.
After getting solid evidence, the villagers united and approached Gangrar police station. He demanded immediate removal of the teacher and a high-level investigation into the matter. The villagers allege that due to the actions of this teacher many girls have been forced to leave school.
Apart from this, the allegation is also that the teacher used to make the girl students do the cleaning work, whereas separate funds were given for it. The villagers raised this issue several times, but the teacher silenced them by threatening legal action. Now after the video surfaced, the education department immediately took action and suspended both the teachers, and also formed an investigation committee.