After the incident of urination in Madhya Pradesh, now a case of crushing a young man has come to light in Gwalior district. After abducting the youth, he was thrashed in the car and his soles were crushed. The video of the beating of the young man in the car has also surfaced. In this case, the police say that information about both the accused and the complainant has not been revealed.
The young man was abducted and beaten to death
This case pertains to Dabra taluka of Gwalior district. Some people abducted a youth and later put him in a car and beat him up. He thrashed the young man in a moving car, the video of which has also surfaced. In the video, the young man is made to sit on the middle seat of the car and another young man is beating him. The assailant hurries obscenities and abuses the victim. During this whole incident, the youth wearing gray T-shirt asks the victim to hold her feet and then also asks her to lick the soles of his feet.
What did the police say?
Confirming the viral video of the beating, Dabra police station in-charge KP Yadav and SDOP Vivek Sharma have said that the matter is being investigated. ASP Rajesh Dandotia says that the video of the attack on the youth in the moving car has gone viral. The video is being told of Dabra city. But till now both the accused and the complainant have not been traced.