The government has taken another important step to ease the traffic on Lucknow-Kanpur Highway in Uttar Pradesh. Gadankheda intersection But now after the already proposed bridge Dahi Chowki Tiraha But also a new bridge will be built. On this project approximately 30 crore rupees will cost, and its Detailed Project Report (DPR) Is being prepared. This initiative will not only solve the problem of traffic jam but will also reduce accidents.

Current traffic situation on Lucknow-Kanpur Highway

Traffic pressure on Lucknow-Kanpur highway is increasing every day.

  • Distance and Time:

    From Jajmau to Lucknow border (Sai ​​river bridge) 80 kilometer distance At present it takes three to four hours to decide.

  • Major traffic jams:

    Gadankheda intersection and Dahi Chowki Tiraha, where the problem of traffic jam is common.

To solve this problem NHAI (National Highway Authority) Dahi Chowki Tiraha A proposal to build a bridge has been prepared.

Bridge construction plan: Special initiative at Dahi Chowki Tiraha

  • Detail Project Report (DPR):

    DPR for the construction of the bridge is being prepared, which will be approved soon.

  • Cost:

    The construction cost of this bridge is approximately 30 crore rupees Will happen.

  • Length and Design:

    It will be upgraded by increasing the length of existing bridges and adding new spans.

What will change after the construction of the bridge?

  1. Relief from jam:

    The frequent jam at Dahi Chowki Tiraha will be eliminated after the construction of the bridge.

  2. Better Connectivity:
    • Unnao, Purva, and Mohanlalganj Road The going vehicles will be able to pass through the service road and underpass.
    • Traffic on the main highway will not be disrupted.
  3. Reduction in accidents:

    Reduction in traffic jams will reduce road accidents.

Progress of bridge at Gadankheda intersection

The construction work of the already proposed bridge at Gadankheda intersection is in progress.

  • This intersection is a major hub of traffic between Lucknow and Kanpur.
  • After the bridge is built at Gadankheda intersection, the next target is Dahi Chowki Tiraha.

Plans for other important bridges

NHAI has planned to build bridges at many more places on the Lucknow-Kanpur Highway (NH-27).

  1. Nawabganj and Ashakheda Tiraha:
    • Proposals for construction of bridge at CHC Tiraha in Nawabganj town and Ashakheda in Sohramau area have been sent to the headquarters.
    • Construction of bridges at these places will reduce the traffic pressure on the highway.
  2. Lucknow-Kanpur Elevated Expressway:
    • Even after the construction of this expressway (NE-6), the movement of heavy vehicles and other traffic will continue on NH-27.
    • Keeping this in mind, plans for other bridges have been made.

Design and detail of Dahi Chowki Bridge

The proposed bridge at Dahi Chowki Tiraha Bridge built near Kendriya Vidyalaya Will be connected to.

  • Length will increase:

    length of existing bridge 600 meters Will be increased.

  • Smart Connectivity:

    The bridge will be connected from Purva Mod to Power House and Polytechnic.

Challenges and solutions of Lucknow-Kanpur Highway

  1. Heavy traffic pressure:

    Thousands of vehicles travel between Lucknow and Kanpur every day.

    • Solution: Construction of new bridges and underpasses.
  2. Heavy vehicle movement:

    There are more trucks and buses on the highway, due to which the problem of traffic jams increases.

    • Solution: Planning of service roads and special lanes.
  3. Accidents and Safety:

    The number of accidents is high due to traffic jams and poor connectivity.

    • The solution: extended bridges and state-of-the-art security measures.

Project Impact: Economic and Social Benefits

  1. Traffic Ease:

    With the construction of the bridge, travel between Lucknow and Kanpur will become easier.

  2. Boost to local economy:

    Trade and industry will benefit from better connectivity.

  3. Increase in land prices:

    The demand for land in the areas around the bridge will increase rapidly.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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