Republic Day 2025 celebrations were held at Kartavya Path in New Delhi earlier on Sunday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was seen sporting a multi-coloured turban this year, continuing the tradition of wearing the headdress to the Republic Day parade event. The signature turbans donned by PM Modi stand as a symbol of national pride and patriotism.

Visuals from New Delhi showed Modi Ji wearing a turban carrying red and yellow colours. He styled it with a brown coat and traditional chudidhar pants.

Republic Day 2025

“Happy Republic Day… We bow to all the great women and men who made our Constitution and ensured that our journey is rooted in democracy, dignity, and unity”, he posted on X while extending greetings on the occasion.

Photos and videos capturing the Republic Day look of the prime minister have surfaced online. They are widely being circulated on social media.

Take a look at PM Modi’s looks from the past few years below. While he wore a yellow and red turban in 2025, most of his headwears from the past have featured similar shades.

In 2024, He donned a Bandhani print turban to the Republic Day parade. It was touched with ethnic print in saffron, pink, white, and yellow colours.


In 2023, the turban was tied in a gracious way. Two years before today he was pictured wearing a traditional ‘pheta’ to the event venue. He chose a vibrant turban decked up with red, orange, yellow, and dark shades of green. The turban design also inked white, which was paired with a graceful pure white scarf.


Where did the turban go in 2022? PM Modi kept the tradition of wearing a headpiece to the Republic Day celebrations alive, but he wasn’t spotted wearing a turban. This year, he sported a cap instead. He chose to dress himself with Uttarakhand’s traditional cap.


Meanwhile, in 2021, he saluted the Indian tricolour and paid respects at the War Memorial wearing a rich red turban.


In 2020, he donned an orange turban to celebrate Republic Day.


India celebrates Republic Day on January 26 every year, marking the day when the Constitution of India came into force in 1950.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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