New Delhi. Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi chaired an important meeting with Congress MPs on Tuesday. After this meeting, an interesting and light-hearted argument was seen between Rahul Gandhi and Congress MP Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa regarding punctuality. This entire incident was captured on camera and went viral on social media.

Funny conversation between Rahul Gandhi and Sukhjinder Randhawa

Rahul Gandhi in viral video, 65 year old MP Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa In a humorous tone, he advises to come to the meeting on time, saying:

Rahul Gandhi: “You have to come to the meeting on time, don’t make excuses.”

To this Sukhjinder Randhawa laughingly replies:

Sukhjinder Randhawa: “I came on time, but you came late. I came before you.”

Rahul Gandhi starts laughing after hearing this. During this time Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal are also seen smiling at this joke.

What happened in the meeting of Congress MPs?

In this meeting, Rahul Gandhi discussed the strategy of Congress in Parliament. This meeting took place especially in the context of the Parliament proceedings being adjourned repeatedly due to the opposition’s protest over the Gautam Adani bribery case.

On the other hand, NDA MPs have accused top Congress leaders of colluding with billionaire investor George Soros to destabilize the country.

Congress’s protest continues on Adani issue

After this Congress meeting, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, and other Congress MPs protested on the Adani issue in the Parliament premises. This time he had a black bag on which cartoons of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Adani were drawn. ‘Modi-Adani Bhai Bhai’ was written on the other side of the bag.

Congress adamant on demand for JPC inquiry

After allegations of bribery and fraud against Adani Group in America, Congress Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) The demand for investigation has intensified. Congress is continuously raising this issue and demanding answers from Prime Minister Modi on this.

‘Mock interview’ went viral on social media

Earlier on Monday, Rahul Gandhi conducted a mock interview with two Congress MPs wearing masks of Prime Minister Modi and Gautam Adani in the Parliament complex. Last week too, Congress MPs had protested in Parliament by wearing jackets with the slogan ‘Modi-Adani are one’.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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