New Delhi: Pakistan nurtured Taliban as part of its strategy. When Taliban government was formed in Afghanistan, Pakistan was the first to accept it. They also gave him a lot of weapons. Now, with the same weapons, the Taliban have pounced on the Pakistanis and are moving to bite the very hand that fed them. At least 15,000 Taliban are ready to oust the Pakistani army from the mountain ranges bordering the two countries. Now Pakistan-based Taliban (Pakistani Taliban) Tehreek-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan (TTP) has also joined them.

It’s becoming a very old story: You can’t keep a snake in your backyard and assume it will only bite your neighbors. Hillary Clinton had said these words about Pakistan in 2011. At that time he was the US Secretary of State. These words of his are currently echoing in the valleys of Kirthar Girimala mountain between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Now about 15,000 Taliban present in Afghanistan are crossing the border towards Pakistan on the issue of Durand Line. Pakistan based Taliban has also joined them in Adhaura.

The situation worsened to such an extent that when the Afghan Taliban found the Durand Line unacceptable, they descended towards Pakistan from the slopes of the Kirthar Range. Then Pakistan Rangers (Border Security Force) also opened fire on them.

After this, the retreating Afghan Taliban attacked again and destroyed the military posts near the border and killed the soldiers present there. Some posts manning soldiers were burnt. Angered by this, Pakistan carried out air strikes in Afghanistan and killed a large number of Taliban. After this, a fierce feeling of revenge started between Pakistan and Afghanistan (Taliban) and the Taliban which was nurtured, raised and given weapons by Pakistan, the same Taliban was concerned about the Chinese weapons given by Pakistan. They are ready to attack Pakistan itself.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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