Actress Archana Puran Singh, who made people laugh with her talk on Kapil Sharma’s show, has come to the rescue. Recently, during the shooting of a project in Virar, Mumbai, an accident occurred on the set, Archana Puran Singh was seriously injured on the set. He was immediately admitted to the hospital. Now after surgery, he has shared his health updated with fans.


The accident happened when the actress was shooting for a scene at around 5:00 am, shooting was going on and suddenly the sound of Archana’s screaming is heard. After the incident, he was rushed to the hospital where he underwent surgery.

Archana Puran Singh has a fracture in his hand and also has bruises on his face. The actress herself shared her health update with her fans. He has posted a very detailed velog on social media about his injury.

What happens is for good

Archana Puran Singh has also shared the video on Instagram. He captioned it- ‘Whatever happens is for good… I am trying to believe it… I am fine. Try to be positive. (Now I realized how difficult it is to do anything with just one hand.)

Health update shared by hospital

It is seen in the Instagram video that the shooting is going on and suddenly Archana’s scream is heard. Then everyone takes him to the hospital. Archana’s son becomes emotional when he comes to know about her accident and surgery. In the video, her husband Parmeet further says that Archana has an accident and he has undergone an operation tomorrow. Archana says that now the swelling of her hand has reduced, otherwise my hand was very swollen, it has become very big. Archana was having a lot of trouble and pain.





Archana will return to set soon


Despite these injuries, Archana was seen saying that she will return to the set soon. Archana revealed that she personally called actor Rajkumar Rao to apologize for leaving in the middle of the shoot and assured the production team to return her.

Parmeet Sethi is worried about his wife

Meanwhile, her husband Parmeet Sethi expressed concern about how she would shoot the film with her broken wrist. However, Archana said that she would wear full sleeve clothes to hide her injury and continue shooting with a three -hour short schedule a day.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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