Once cancer develops in the body, treating it becomes a big challenge. If the disease is in the final stage, then the chances of the patient survive are also reduced. Cancer is also related to oxygen. Medical science has made a lot of progress, but saving the life of cancer patient is still a big challenge. Now the way cases of this disease are increasing. This is also a sign of a large danger.
What is the relationship between oxygen and cancer?
There are many causes of this deadly disease. Which is constantly being discussed. But it is also related to lack of oxygen in the body. Cancer cells depend on oxygen. The World Health Organization reported 2024 reports that for the last 3 years, more than 1.4 million new cases of cancer are coming up in India every year. Now the youth are also falling prey to this. A common question about this disease is how it happens? Understand this in such a way that there are 37 lakh crore cells in our body. They have their own different works. Its production continues and poor sales are being abolished. But when these cells get out of control and any part of the body starts growing rapidly, then cancer occurs.
Daily habits are also responsible
Public health expert Dr. Jugal Kishore says that there are free radicals in every human body. If a person’s food habits are bad, he takes drugs and lives in a polluted environment, then the amount of free radicals in his body increases. If it increases too much, then the person’s DNA is damaged. DNA damage affects cells and causes them to grow uncontrollably. This is where cancer starts. According to Dr. Kishore, the person’s daily activities and food habits affect the body’s cells. For example, understand that if a person smokes cigarettes every day and has been doing this for years, it will have a serious impact on his lungs. There will be a time when the immune system will not be able to protect against the effects of cigarettes and the lungs will be damaged. If the body is unable to handle it, the cells of that area will be out of control and will start growing rapidly. Their growth will cause cancer and if it is not identified in time, it will start growing and spreading in the body.
How does cancer spreads in the body?
Dr. Rohit Kapoor, an oncologist at Max Hospital, says that in the beginning cancer occurs in one organ and then if it is not treated, these cells start spreading to other organs. The spread of cancer cells from one organ to another depends on the environment around the cancer tumor and the immune system of the individual. The weak the immune system of a person, the faster the cancer will spread. It has also been observed that if a person’s immune system is weak, he is more likely to get cancer than others. For example, if a person has a throat cancer and it is only around the throat, it is an early stage cancer, but if it spreads to the head or lower part or abdomen of the lungs, it becomes an advanced stage cancer. The spread of this disease from one part to another is called metastasis in therapeutic language. The worrying thing is that once the cancer spreads throughout the body, it becomes difficult to control it.
Why can’t it be controlled after cancer spread?
Dr. Vineet Talwar of the Department of Medical Oncology of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute says that cancer cells keep changing themselves over time. In these, genetic changes occur rapidly and these cells develop resistance to drugs and therapy during treatment, that is, make themselves very powerful. Because of this, the treatment stops any effect on them. It has also been observed that the treatment of cancer in many patients remains effective for a short time. But there was no effect later. This treatment has no effect on cancer cells. Because there is a difference between cancer cells and normal cells in the body. Common cells contain protective substances that prevent them from growing excessively. This does not happen in cancer cells. They can hide from the body’s immune system, so they survive and continue to grow. After some time it gets out of control. In this situation, cancer spreads throughout the body and the person dies.
Cancer cells survive on oxygen
Dr. Rohit Kapoor explains that oxygen present in the external environment has no connection with the lack of cancer, but it is related to the oxygen inside the body. Cancer cells require oxygen to survive. But when cancer cells grow rapidly, they are consumed in large quantities. This causes oxygen deficiency. This is called hypoxia in therapeutic language. Due to this, cancer starts increasing on one side and oxygen starts decreasing on the other side. This is why many cancer patients are given hyperberic oxygen therapy and hydrogen peroxide. Why does the level of oxygen in the body decrease? In this regard, Dr. Kapoor says that there are many reasons for its lack. A person has abnormality in blood cells. If there is any problem related to blood circulation or anemia, it can cause oxygen deficiency in the body.