A shocking video has surfaced online, showing a gun going off in a man’s pant pocket, injuring him.

According to reports, the incident took place in the Naugaon Sadat Police Station area in Uttar Pradesh’s Amroha.

According to CCTV footage of the incident, a youth enters the frame riding a bike. The man stops and parks his bike on the side of the street and starts walking away from his bike.

After a few steps, he puts his hand into his pant pocket when his gun misfires.

After the bullet is fired, the man shakes his hand out of pain.

After hearing the firing noise, the neighbours start looking at him.

Before anyone could understand what had happened, the man, visibly in pain after injuring himself, walks slowly to his bike and flees the scene as neighbours look at him in wonder.

The Amroha Police has responded to the viral video. According to police, the man has been detained and further investigation is ongoing.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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