Mumbai – The price of green chillies in Mumbai’s wholesale and retail market has increased three times. Green chillies have started selling at a price of 125 to 150 rupees per kg.

Citing the reason behind the skyrocketing prices of green chillies, sources in the APMC market in Navi Mumbai said that the price has increased due to the increase in temperature as well as the reduction in the supply of chillies in the market.

Prices of both good quality and low quality green chili have increased in the APMC market. The wholesale price of inferior type of green chili has increased from Rs 20-30 per kg to Rs 45 per kg in a single week.

A retailer who traded green chillies in Vashi said that the stock of green chillies is starting to end rapidly. Therefore, there is no option but to increase the price of goods being sold to compensate for deficit.

A wholesaler in Vashi Market said that this time the income of chili crop has not only reduced by 40 percent, but also the quality has also deteriorated. Green chillies have started deteriorating in unbearable summer.

Green chillies in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai markets usually come from Gujarat, Nagpur and Palghar.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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