Washington: The US border administration has targeted the elderly green card holders to prevent immigration. They have chosen a category of helpless old people who cannot defend or barely protect themselves, or who break down soon under pressure. Immigration lawyers say that the immigration officers in the US are now targeting the elderly green card holders who return after spending their winter holidays in India. They often do not have 180 days required to live in the US.
This has led to the target of the US Green Card Department. Since it has not completed 180 days, it is subject to secondary inspection. This includes arrests made by US Customs and Border Security (CBP) officials while entering the airport. Some people were also pressurized to return their green card voluntarily. Apart from this, some Indians live in America with their children, but they spend the winters of America in India. The same thing can be very expensive to them.
Under these circumstances, the lawyers give important advice to the people that they should not leave their green card under any circumstances. The Green Card holder has the right to hear by the immigration judge. If he had not submitted his card at the airport, he could have benefited from the hearing. Additionally, if a person is absent from America for one year or 365 days, it is believed that he has given up his green card. In addition, if many green card holders come to India to invest regularly during winter, they can also be investigated. Florida-based immigration advocate Ashwin Sharma said that he has personally seen many cases where the CBP has targeted the elderly Indian green card holders, especially grandparents, who has spent a lot of time outside the US and forced them to sign Form I-407, under which they are voluntarily returning their green cards. Now, if they protest, then they are CBP. Officers are threatened with detention or removal.
Seattle -based lawyer Krupa insisted on not returning the green card. If a person does not live in America for 365 days, it is believed that he has given up his green card. If there is any such charge on a green card holder, he can challenge it in court, but it is necessary that he has voluntarily surrendered his green card during this period.