New Delhi: Famous prophet of Britain who is known as the new Nostradamus. He predicted that there would be a collision between a cargo ship and an oil tanker in the North Sea. Their prediction was literally true. On March 11, a sea phenomenon took place in the North Sea. In this, cargo ship M.V. also includes. Solong American Tender M.V. Stenna collided with the Imaculate. The tanker had 18,000 tonnes of jet fuel. The smoke emanating from this collision rose so much that it was also visible from the space station located in the space.
Hamilton had an accurate prediction of several major events, including predictions about the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the spread of Covid-19.
Apart from this, it has also become true that Donald Trump will be attacked during the election campaign. They have close relations with India. He has learned this knowledge from Indian monks. In addition, books on prediction have been obtained from India.
It is worth noting that during a few years (1540–1544) of the mid-16th century, Nostredamus predicted Adolf Hitler and Kovid-19. He also said that world politics will become a cyclone from 2020. World War will be sparked by 2025 or after that. It is worth remembering that Bulgarian prophet Baba Wanga also predicted world war in the end of 2025.