Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The process for evaluating the answer sheets of Class 10 and Class 12 students of Madhya Pradesh Board is underway in all 52 district headquarters.
The results are expected by the second week of May. Around 18 lakh students in the state are taking the board examinations which will end on March 29. For this, evaluation centers have been set up in five cities of the state including Bhopal, Rewa, Jabalpur, Sagar and Indore.
Nearly 22, 000 evaluators are being engaged to check the copies under high security surveillance. Online monitoring is also being done.
CCTV cameras have been installed at the evaluation centre and mobiles are prohibited inside the centre. There is a bar code on every copy which is being scanned. Model school has been made a center in the State capital.
The target has been set to complete the evaluation in 45 days. Secretary of the Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh, Krishna Deo Tripathi told Free Press that nearly 22, 000 evaluators are being trained for evaluation in four phases.
“The record of evaluators is being digitized including entry and exit. As soon as the mistake is found in the re-evaluation, the name of the teacher will automatically crop up. If there is a mistake of even one mark, the teacher will be fined,” he said, adding that “If a student’s marks fall short by even one mark even after writing the correct answer, the teacher will be fined. This fine will be Rs 100 per mark.
* Every teacher will get 45 copies to check in a day
* Starting with class 10th copies
* Duty of teachers of government and private schools
* Teacher will get Rs 15 for checking one copy
* Teacher will check the answer by matching it with the answer key
* Copies with zero and more than 90 % marks will be checked thrice