Stones disease is a disease related to urinary system. When the alkaline elements emanating with urine get stuck in the urinary tract, kidneys or bladder due to any deficiency in the body, they take the form of small stones etc. due to the wind. The stones grow with small sand particles and gradually grow larger. They are found in shapes rough, smooth, hard, round etc.
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Symptoms of stones:
- When stones are formed in any part of the body, the patient has to face many problems when urinating, such as intermittent urination, blood or pus with urine, pain in the front of the penis, etc. Sometimes symptoms like vomiting or nausea are also seen in the patient due to stones pain.
Causes of stones:
- When the air dries the phlegm with urine and bile with semen in the bladder, stones are formed in the body. Due to stones, the patient has pain in the pelvis and his urine also stops. There are four types of stone disease- gout, bile, phlegm and Venus. Those who prevent semen from coming out during sexual intercourse get Venus stones disease.
Home remedies to dissolve stones:
- Neem: Drinking neem decoction removes stomach stones and relieves stomach pain. Taking 20 grams of ash of neem leaves with water continuously for a few days a day provides relief from stones.
- Apamarga: Take 2 grams of the root of Apamarga and grind it with water, drinking it with water daily in the morning and evening removes the stones.
- Cotton: Drinking a decoction of cotton root causes stomach stones and stops flatulence.
- Satanashi: Stones are eliminated by taking about a quarter to one gram daily.
- Drun: Stones disease is cured by drinking lukewarm decoction of drumstick root. By making drumstick vegetables, the kidneys and bladder stones melt and go out with urine.
- Radish: Drinking 30 grams of parsley mixed with 40 ml radish juice cleans the stool by mixing the stones. Mixing 3 grams of parsley in the juice of 10 ml radish leaves and drinking it thrice a day causes the stones to melt.
- Kulathi: Grind 10 grams of Kulathi lentils and 10 grams of bunions together. Boil them in 200 ml of water. When a quarter of water remains, filter it. Mix half a gram of Shilajit and drink it three times a day. This removes stomach gas and causes the stones to melt. By making 40 to 80 grams of powder of Kulathi seeds, eating 40 to 80 grams daily in the morning and evening, all types of stones are cured. Boil 6 grams of Kulathi in 125 ml water for a long time. Then filter the water and mix one fourth of radish juice in it and drink it every morning and evening, the stones are destroyed by melting. Soak 250 grams Kulathi in 3 liters of water before going to bed at night. Boil that water in the morning and filter it and add salt, pepper, cumin, turmeric and pure ghee and mix it. Drinking its decoction daily in the morning and evening provides relief in urination, slow coming of urine, etc. and the bladder stones are melted.
- Breaking stones: To break the stones, grind 10 grams of stones and 5 grams of black pepper in 50 ml water and make a mixture. Take this mixture with water for 10 to 15 days in the morning and evening. This causes the stone to melt. To break the stone, grind 20 grams of green leaves of stones finely with water and mix sugar in it and drink it in the morning and evening, all types of stones are cured.
- Celery: The kidneys and bladder stones come out of urination with 6 grams of celery chewing (eating) every day.
- Parsley: Grind 3 grams of parsley and 1 gram of jawakhar with radish leaves and extract a cup of juice. Drink one cup of juice every morning and evening for 10 to 12 days. This causes stomach stones to melt.
- Gokhru: Mix 3 grams of bunion powder with honey and dissolve it in lamb, drinking it for 7 days in the morning and evening cures all types of stones.
- Alum: Taking 4 grams of alum flower with buttermilk every morning and evening removes stones.
- Buttermilk: Drinking 10 grams of Jawkhar mixed with cow’s milk and drinking 10 grams of Jawakhar melts and comes out.
- Henna: Boil 10 grams of green henna leaves in 500 ml of water. When the water is boiled to 150 ml, filter it and drink it. Drinking this water daily for 15 days in the morning and evening causes both types of stones to melt.
- Onion: Drinking two spoons of onion juice mixed with sugar candy and destroyed the stones in 20 to 25 days. Mixing sugar mixed with onion juice and drinking it makes the stones break out. Drinking 50 ml onion juice daily in the morning on an empty stomach in the morning removes the stones of the kidneys and bladder (place to collect urine) in pieces. Drinking 10-20 ml of fresh onion juice 3 times a day for 3 months a day causes kidney and bladder stones to get out and clean the urine.
- Berries: Dry the berries and grind the powder by grinding it, taking half a teaspoon of this powder with water in the morning and evening, the kidney stones are destroyed.
- Cardamom: Make a powder by taking 3-3 grams of cardamom, Shilajit and black pepper. Mix a little sugar candy in this powder and eat it with water daily in the morning and evening. This causes kidney stones to melt.
- Mango leaves: Dry mango leaves and make fine powder. Taking 2 teaspoons of this powder with water in the morning and evening, the stone melts and comes out of the urine within a few days. Dry the fresh mango leaves in the shade and grind them finely and swallow 8 grams in the morning with stale water. This causes the stone to be destroyed in a few days.
- Walnuts: Grind walnuts with peels and make powder. Stones disease is cured by taking 1 teaspoon of this powder with cold water in the morning and evening every morning and evening. Grind walnuts and filter and make powder. Regular consumption of 1 teaspoon of this powder with cold water in the morning and evening for a few days, stones are released from the urinary tract.
- Dry ginger: Make a decoction by mixing 4 grams of dry ginger, 4 grams, 4 grams of ocher, 4 grams of stone and 4 grams of Brahmi together. Drink half a pinch of jawakhar in this decoction and drink it every morning and evening. This causes the stone to melt.
- Triphala: Boil the root of Sathi, stone distinction and Gokharu 6-6 grams, Triphala 15 grams and Kasauti Bhagandar Pump 10 grams in 500 ml of water. When the water remains 100 ml, filter it and drink it every morning and evening. This causes the stone to melt.
- Maize: Grind maize and barley separately and make ash and keep it in separate pots. Drink two teaspoons of corn ash in one cup of water every morning and drink two teaspoons of barley ash in a cup of water in the evening. This causes the stone to melt and move out.
- Cumin: Grind equal quantity of cumin and sugar with 1-1 teaspoon of fresh water 3 times a day, it is beneficial in kidney stones, swelling and urinary blockage.
- Amla: Make dried gooseberry powder and mix it with radish juice and take the bladder stones cured.
- Drought coriander: Soak 50 grams of dry coriander, 50 grams of fennel and 50 grams of sugar candy in 1.5 liters of water in the morning and grind it in the evening. Then dissolve it in the same water and filter it and drink it. In this way, consuming morning and evening provides relief in stones.
- Turmeric: Taking turmeric and old jaggery mixed with buttermilk provides relief from stones.
- Barley: Drinking barley water helps in extracting stones. Patients of stones should consume things made from barley like bread, barley sattu. This helps in extracting stones and also prevents stones from forming. Eating barley bread is beneficial in internal diseases and inflammation of the internal organs.
- Carrots: To remove inflammation of the bladder and clean the kidneys, drinking 150 ml carrots, beet, cucumber or cucumber juice is beneficial. Carrot juice breaks the kidneys and bladder stones and removes it. Drinking carrot juice 3-4 times a day removes stones. Grinding carrot seeds and swallowing gives relief from stones. Remove the juice of carrot and drink it every morning and evening. This causes the stones of the gall bladder (due to bile) to melt.
- Tulsi: Tulsi increases the functionality of the kidney. Mixing 2 teaspoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of water in 1 teaspoon of basil juice and drinking it for 4-5 months continuously causes the stones to melt.
- Marigold: Drinking 20-30 ml decoction of marigold leaves twice a day for a few days a day causes stones to melt.
- Calonji seeds: Grind 250 grams of fennel seeds and mix it in 125 grams of honey, mix two teaspoons of this mixture in half a cup of water and half a teaspoon of fennel oil and consume it on an empty stomach once a day, it is beneficial in stone and stones are released in 21 days.
- Bathua: Mixing sugar in a glass of raw Bathua juice and consuming it daily causes the stones to melt.
- Tejpatta: Jaundice and stones are cured by chewing 5-6 bay leaves per day.
- Sesame: By consuming 7 to 10 grams of ashes of soft sesame dried in shade, the stones are melted.
- Eggplant: Eating brinjal leaves removes the stones with urine. Cook the brinjal on fire and remove its seeds. Then by eating it and eating it for 15 to 20 days, the stone melts and comes out.
- Turai: Grind the trumpet of cow’s milk or cold water and take it daily for 3 days in the morning.
- Ashoka: Grind 1-2 grams seeds of Ashoka in water and drink 2 teaspoons of regular drinking, it provides relief from pain caused by urinary obstruction and stones.