There is such a road in Delhi, whose name starts there in a strange movement in the minds of people. This is not a common road, but an area where the world of night gets in different colors. When the name of this place was first heard for the first time in school days, then the question was raised in the mind – how will this place be? The image of the cells shown in films used to roam in front of the eyes, where women were seen wooing customers in heavy makeup. Years later, the same curiosity gave me GB Forced to know the truth of the road.

When I reached there on Sunday morning, the road looked similar to the road of any common Delhi. Shop shutters were closed on both sides, and the narrow stairs between the same shops went upwards. Behind these stairs, numbers written on the walls identify the cells. Some people were walking on the streets, who were looking at us with strange eyes. We decided to move towards Kotha number 60.

A man decides the price of girls

I had a friend working in an NGO, which gave courage to go up. When we reached the brothel, the narrow and dirty stairs, the atmosphere was completely calm. Perhaps the people living there were still sleeping. On giving voice, a man came out, who was staring at us with surprise eyes.

After a little conversation, he told that his name is Raju (name changed), and he has been living here for the last nine years. His job is to fix the price of girls (sex workers). Who will go to how much, who will earn more, all people like Raju decide.

On the condition of keeping identity secret, Raju got our meeting with Sushmita (name changed). He was just awakened. I wanted to talk to him alone, but Raju was afraid that he should not tell anything that should not go out.

Sushmita was pushed into Jismfaroshi by pretending to job

23 -year -old Sushmita hails from West Bengal. Three years ago, he was brought to Delhi by luring her job and then sold. She could not even speak Hindi properly. He told-

“Our house was very poor. A neighbor often used to visit our house. He said that he will get a very good job in Delhi. I came to Delhi with him. First placed in a room and then left here the next day. “

Asked if she wants to return to her home? He said after long silence-

“No, can’t go home anymore. There is a lot of compulsion. You get food here, some money is also available, which have to be hidden. ”

Saying this, she became silent, but stories that could not be told in her eyes were floating. She was 23 to see, but seeing her lean body, it seemed as if there was a 15-16 year old girl.

13-14 girls live on the same cell

GB The business of Jismfaroshi runs on the first and second floors of the roads of the road. When I try to peek inside, there is a strange smell, which is forced to cover the nose. Small, moist rooms, where air is difficult to come. I think, how can someone live here?

Raju says that a brothel has 13-14 sex workers and all do business on their own free will. But when it spoke to Geeta (changed name), this claim began to look false.

The Gita says-

“Just as you do a job, we do this work. Tell me, who will give us a job? We are running home only by selling the body. I am teaching a daughter, what will happen if I leave it? “

Geeta has changed three brothels in a year

Geeta said that she has changed the cell three times in the last one year. When asked the reason, he said-

“Where the money is not good, one has to go from there.”

Geeta’s friend Reshma (name changed) says-

“We are happy like we are. What did the government do for us? We have neither ration card, nor voter card, nor Aadhaar. We do not even know about asking for votes. “

During the conversation, it was realized that the compulsions of these women had become their biggest fetters. She does not even think of getting out, because they are not going to adopt them anywhere else.

The atmosphere changes after eight o’clock in the night

GB Full name of road Garstin Bastian Road Is. There are 100 year old buildings here. Warnings have been written to not fall into the guise of brokers and beware of pockets.

Raju says that after eight o’clock in the night, the atmosphere here completely changes. The number of people coming to the cells starts increasing. The person who comes alone is robbed of pickpockets, and sometimes it becomes knife.

Coming here, it realizes that this is a different world. A world where many lives in the darkness of night have fallen into the quagmire of compulsion. There is no way for them to get out, and even if there is a way, they do not know that path.

I returned from there, but left thousands of questions in my heart. Perhaps I will return next time, and will also bring answers to these questions.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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