Do you know that trans men also have periods? Do you know that during periods, they have to face many problems not only physical but also mentally? There is no doubt that even today when it comes to transgenders, people laugh secretly or give various judges. Far from getting respect and equal opportunities for transgenders, people do not even want to change their thinking to accept them as a third gender. However, today we are going to talk about the pain of transgenders and trans men, about which many people probably do not even know.
Yes, transmaculin individuals also have periods, which are often ignored or misunderstood. Trans man may have periods during transition journey or before surgery. A trans man himself has told every life what kind of problems the trans man has to face during periods.
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For trans men, periods are more mental pain than physical pain
Krishna Singh of NGO named Mitra Trust Project told about the problems occurring during periods. Krishna was identified as a girl at birth, but when she regained consciousness, she began to realize that something was not right. Krishna told that whenever he went out and had periods, he does not understand whether he should use a female washroom or a male washroom. It can be understood from Krishna’s words that there is not only physical but also mental anguish for periods transmen.
Why is menstruation a mental pain for trans men?
Periods Trans are also mental pain for men as they were identified as a girl at birth, but later described herself as a boy. However, despite this, there may be uterus and ovaries in their body. Periods can come if they do not start hormone therapy i.e. testosterone or complete surgery.
Dr. Mikki Mehta has told us what kind of problems they face during periods and how they can reduce them. Dr. Mikki Mehta is a global overall health guru and life coach. According to the doctor, the biological differences in trans men and their experiences with periods may be different due to hormone therapy. Which affects their body as well as the mind and brain.
What should trans men do to get relief during periods?
Trans men may have problems with lower abdominal pain and cramps during period periods. In such a situation, to reduce cramps and pain, renovation can be done with hot water. Sinki can be done with heating pads or hot water bottles.
According to experts, the help of yoga, meditation and relaxing exercises can also be taken. Trans -male periods can also take help of some compound actions for comfort during periods, including Sheetli, Cold, Chandra Piercing Pranayama.
In addition, drinking hot water with fennel or cycle or celery can be beneficial for relief during periods. However, if there is stress due to pain during periods, it is advisable to relax.