For example, after sunlight, shadow comes after shadow and sunlight, this is the law of nature. Similarly, there is a balance between happiness and sorrow in every person’s life. Some people solve their problems with their intelligence and force, while some people make their lives successful by resorting to astrology. Actually in the scriptures, the solution of all the problems related to life has been told.


Due to the problems going on in life, these people remain in controversies every day.

Apart from the solution of problems, everyone can also know about their future with the help of numerology. Today, with the help of numerology, we are going to tell you about the dates on which people born have to face sudden troubles in their lives. Due to the problems going on in life, these people remain in controversies every day.

The troubles of these people never leave chase!

According to numerology, people born on 4, 13, 22, 31, 8, 17 and 26 of any month are of pure heart. But when everything is normal in their lives, suddenly a problem arises in front of them. Due to a small problem, his whole life is engulfed in controversies. Some people are facing financial crisis, while others are upset with their deteriorating relationships. Apart from this, the reputation of a person in the society is also tarnished. They face a lot of criticism which negatively affect their health.

These people are thirsty for success.

Numerology states that people born on 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 26 and 29 of any month think a lot. These people spend all their time thinking, which is why they are never able to achieve success in life. Apart from this, these people come in haste and take wrong decisions in the matter of people, whose regrets keep them throughout their life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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