UNIRAJ Admit Card 2025: The admit cards for the upcoming undergraduate exam 2025 have been released by Rajasthan University. These hall tickets are for the aspirants who are regular, former and self-study. Aspirants can download the hall tickets from the official website- uniraj.ac.in.

To access the admit cards applicants need to enter information such as user ID and password. The exams are going to be conducted on March 19, 2025, for the first, second, or third-year students.

UNIRAJ Admit Card 2025: How to download?

Students need to follow the mentioned below steps to download the UNIRAJ Admit Card 2025:

Step 1: Visit the official website of UNIRAJ at uniraj.ac.in.

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the examination portal and then on the theory admit card link.

Step 3: After this, enter the login details and then submit after which the admit card will appear on the screen.

Step 4: Download the UNIRAJ Admit Card 2025 and take a printout of the same for further reference.

Direct link to download the hall tickets

UNIRAJ Admit Card 2025: Instructions for candidates

Here are some important instructions for the students:

1. A copy of the hall ticket must be supplied to the examination centre. Applicants must show up for the test at their designated location on the stated date and time.

2. Applicants will need to download two copies of their admit card. The college will not send hall tickets via any other means.

3. Both hall tickets must have the applicant’s photograph in the appropriate location.

4. In the absence of a photograph, place your most recent passport-size photograph on the hall tickets and have it approved by the relevant principal before attending the examination centre.

5. The admit card must include the applicant’s personal information, such as name, father’s name, mother’s name, etc.

Read the official notice here

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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