Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Chinks in the armour of the Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV) stood exposed on Thursday as unevaluated answersheets of MBA first-semester exams were recovered from a mobile repairing-cum-stationery shop instead of the designated evaluation centre.

The university constituted a three-member committee to probe the serious negligence which has dented its image while raising questions over the confidentiality of the evaluation process.

The issue came to light when the university received a complaint about answer scripts lying at a stationery shop on the Narendra Tiwari Marg.

Acting promptly, exam controller Prof Ashesh Tiwari dispatched OSD Omprakash Sondhia to the location from where the MBA answer sheets were recovered.

When questioned, the shop operator revealed that the copies had been left there by a female teacher. During interrogation, the teacher admitted to leaving bundles of answer sheets at the shop, citing the long distance to her residence.

She claimed the answer copies were intended to be submitted at the evaluation centre later in the evening. Tiwari said while the answer sheets were indeed kept at the shop, there was no evidence tosuggest they were being evaluated there.

“However, the university has taken a serious view of the incident, confiscated the answer copies and initiated an inquiry as it was a serious negligence,” he said, adding, “Investigation is underway and appropriate action will be taken based on the committee’s findings.” 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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