MLA Prashant Thakur has urged the Maharashtra government to immediately address the concerns of villagers affected by the NAINA (Navi Mumbai Airport Influence Notified Area) project before taking any action. He demanded that CIDCO (City and Industrial Development Corporation) halt all proceedings until villagers’ doubts and apprehensions are resolved.

During the state assembly’s budget session, Thakur highlighted that farmers in the affected areas are distressed over CIDCO’s unilateral decisions regarding land acquisition. He stressed that the project should not move forward until their grievances are addressed.

Responding to these concerns, Minister Uday Samant assured that CIDCO would not proceed without consulting local representatives, Gram Panchayats, and affected residents. He also confirmed that Deputy Chief Minister and Urban Development Minister Eknath Shinde would hold a meeting with stakeholders after the assembly session.

In a written statement presented in the House, Deputy CM Eknath Shinde denied rumors that 5,038 houses in the NAINA region would be demolished. He clarified that CIDCO had adopted a 40:60 land-sharing model, where 40% of the land is allocated to original landowners to ensure their homes are protected. He also noted that a public notice issued by CIDCO on January 1, 2025, had already debunked these demolition claims.

Despite this, many farmers remain opposed to the project, citing concerns about land-sharing ratios and the inability to utilize the 2.5 Floor Space Index (FSI) effectively. They have also criticized CIDCO’s insistence on including village houses in the TPS (Town Planning Scheme), even when the villagers strongly oppose it.

Thakur further argued that CIDCO’s actions resemble a dictatorial approach, forcing farmers into the TPS model without their consent. He urged the government to exclude village houses from the TPS scheme and ensure transparency in the land acquisition process.

In response, Minister Samant reiterated that CIDCO has no intention of forcibly acquiring land or demolishing houses. He stated that CIDCO has already protected 3,155 homes within the 40% reserved land and will only consider acquiring houses falling within planned roads. He assured that no demolition orders had been issued and that any concerns regarding village areas would be reviewed.

Additionally, Samant agreed to request Deputy CM Eknath Shinde to hold a post-assembly meeting with affected villagers, local representatives, and CIDCO officials to find a resolution.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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