13 prisoners in Mau District Jail in Uttar Pradesh have been found to be HIV positive. Which caused panic in the administration. Out of these 13 prisoners, 10 are from Ballia. While three are from Mau district. Since Ballia Jail is still under construction, the prisoners there are currently lodged in Mau Jail. In this case, the jail superintendent said that regular checks are done for all male and female prisoners in Mau jail.
Infection detected while making tattoos in the fair
The suspected prisoners are confirmed through investigation at the ART Center at the district hospital and then they are provided treatment facilities. Currently, all these HIV positive prisoners are undergoing treatment under the supervision of doctors in the district jail. According to Jail Superintendent Anand Shukla, some of these HIV positive prisoners had tattoos at Dadri fair in Ballia. While some prisoners were addicted to drugs and took drugs through injections. Because of this, it is also likely to be HIV positive.
Anand Shukla further said that we have a letter from Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Society and this letter keeps coming to us from time to time. Under this, according to the instructions of the jail headquarters, we regularly check all the male and female prisoners coming to the jail and if a suspected prisoner is found, then we confirm it from the ART Center at the district hospital. After confirmation from here, the drug of HIV infection is available from their ART center. A card has also been made for them, according to which medicines are provided regularly inside the jail.
Jailor’s statement on the entire incident
Currently 13 people are HIV positive in Mau Jail. Of these, 10 are from Ballia district while three are from Mau district. Currently Ballia Jail is not operational, so the prisoners there are kept in Mau Jail. After interrogating and gathering information from the prisoners, it was found that some prisoners had got tattoos at Dadri fair in Ballia, due to which it is possible that they had infected due to tattoos. There are some prisoners who have a history of drug addiction. When they sit together and take drugs, there is a strong possibility of HIV infection. At present, there is no chaos inside the Mau district jail and everything is under control.