Indian man on how veg eaters struggle in Japan… | Instagram

A video featuring an Indian youth throwing light on the struggles of being a vegetarian in Japan has gone viral on Instagram. He candidly discussed  about how dietary restrictions of Indians make it difficult to survive abroad. The clip, shared by a popular Instagram content creator, Riki with Japan Mates, suggested vegetarians find it difficult to adjust to the foods prepared in the foreign country, because they are away from eggs and meat. 

During the conversation, man identified as Nikhil noted Indians who are strict vegetarians have quite a few food options to survive in Japan, otherwise engage in cooking for themselves to enjoy delicious food. He stated that vegetarians end up having only cucumber rolls outside or rush their own kitchens to prepare themselves something during their stay in the country.

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“End up eating cucumber rolls”

“Many Indians don’t eat pork or beef, and quite a few are strictly vegetarian. And since they can’t get chicken or other meats, they have to cook for themselves to survive”, he said. 

Unlike foodie reels which suggest there are a plenty of restaurants offering veg meals and Indian cuisine, Nikhil said otherwise. “We often just end up eating Kappa Maki (Cucumber rolls)”, he added.

Racism in Japan

This video has gone viral, for another reason. In the clip, the Indian youth also opened up about racism in Japan. He alleged Indians faced racist experiences during their stay in the country from locals.

“Some random old guy just started picking a fight with me. Another guy purposely bumped into my shoulder. Once on the train, I wasn’t even talking, but a group of high school girls were loudly laughing. Yet, instead of saying anything to them, someone told me to shut up”, Nikhil told the Instagrammer recounting the racism he faced through two years of residence in Japan.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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