The Russia-Ukraine war that started in February 2022 is not taking the name of stopping even after three years. However, during this period, the method of war strategies and weapons has completely changed. In the initial days, where the ground attack and the air -workfall were seen by the Air Force, the drone warfare has now become the most important weapon of this war.

According to a New York Times report, Russia and Ukraine are now using drones in 70 to 80% of attacks. The intensity of war has increased in the third year, and the biggest devastation ever is causing drone attacks.

How to increase the number of drone attacks?

According to the report, about 200 drone attacks were taking place every month in the early days of the war, but now the figure has reached 1,800. That is, the number of drone attacks has increased by 9 times.

So far, 10 lakh soldiers have been killed, most of whom died of mortar, hovitzer and tanks.
Now drones have become the deadliest weapons, which can cause heavy havoc at low cost.
While millions of dollars are spent in traditional wars, drones are very cheap and are proving to be more effective.

Drone War: low cost, more impact

Drone technology has become so advanced that now small toys such as drones are capable of dropping bombs on enemy’s bases. This is a revolutionary change, which is completely changing the picture of the war.

Low cost: It is much cheaper to make and operate drones than traditional weapons.
No loss of life: Drone can fight war without any human loss amidst lack of soldiers.
Long distance attack: Some drones are capable of attacking 700 miles away.
Accurate targets: Many drones can fly for hours and attack extremely accuracy.

Now the question is whether the drones prepared in a few hundred dollars are more effective for war, or fighter jets worth thousands of crores?

Drone can now target fighter jets

Russia and Ukraine have now developed air to air combat drones, which are capable of dropping fighter jets in the air itself.

Ukraine has prepared drones that can attack 700 miles away.
Some drones may drop the bomb directly on the enemy and remain in the air for hours.
Even if the drone falls, the loss is low, as it is cheaper than traditional aircraft.

It is a clear indication that drones are going to play the most important role in wars in the coming times.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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