Talks heard in childhood They leave a deep impression on the children’s mind. While trying to show their children the right path, parents sometimes say things that weaken their children’s confidence. Sometimes inadvertently spoken rigid words can cause insecurity, fear and inferiority in the child. Due to which they grow up and feel helpless. Therefore, parents should never say these 5 things to their children.
1. You are useless, you are useless.
These words hurt the child’s self -esteem. When parents repeatedly say to their child, ‘You are of no use’ or ‘you are useless’, the child starts underestimate their abilities than others. Which can also affect his career and personal life. Instead of scolding the child, show him the right direction and help him recognize his abilities.
2. You always make mistakes.
If parents tell their child that whatever mistake they make is always wrong, then the child starts losing confidence from himself. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is important to learn from mistakes. Instead of scolding children, explain them that making mistakes is not a bad thing, but it is important to learn from them.
3. I said, so this work must be done.
When parents want to do something to the child, but do not give any reason behind it, but say, “I have said so, so it will have to do this,” it can be limited by the child to think and understand the child. ” It is important to explain the reasons behind their decisions to children so that they can understand things logically and develop their thinking.
4. How much better it is than you!
Every child is born with its distinctive characteristics. When parents compare their child to someone else and let it down, it weakens the child’s self-esteem. Every child has their own abilities, so instead of comparing them to other children, help them increase their strength.
5. You bother me a lot.
Many times parents angrily say to their child, ‘You have made me difficult to live’ or ‘You bother me a lot.’ These things can create guilt in the child’s mind and he starts considering himself as a burden. In such a situation, parents should be patient and control their feelings.