The festival of Holi is near. Holi has religious significance, but this time an astronomical event is also going to happen on the day of Holi. The first full lunar eclipse of the year is going to be held on 14 March on the day of Holi. Which will appear as blood moon. This is a rare astronomical coincidence. In which the moon appears red. So let’s know what blood moon is.


What is the lunar eclipse?

Moon eclipse is an astronomical event. This phenomenon occurs when the Earth, Sun and Moon fall into a straight line. In this situation the sunlight does not reach the moon because the Earth covers the moon with its shadow. When the Moon is completely in the shadow of the Earth, it is called a full lunar eclipse. When the moon is partially covered, it is called a partial lunar eclipse.

Why does the moon look red?

Blood moon is the situation when the moon turns red during lunar eclipse. This happens when the Earth’s shadow prevents sunlight, but due to the dust, gas and other particles present in the atmosphere, red rays reach the moon, which makes the moon look red. This phenomenon is called the ‘Rayle Kachinan’ effect. When the sunlight passes through the Earth’s atmosphere, blue rays are shattered and red rays reach the moon, making it look red or orange. Raktim Moon is a rare phenomenon, usually appearing only once or twice a year. This phenomenon occurs when a full lunar eclipse occurs and the shadow of the earth falls on the moon.

Full lunar eclipse on 14 March 2025

The first full lunar eclipse will be on 14 March 2025, which will not be visible in India. This lunar eclipse will be from 9.29 am to 3.29 pm. Since there is day time in India at this time, people here will not be able to enjoy this astronomical scene. However, this eclipse will be clearly visible in other countries.

Where will the Raktim Moon appear?

During this lunar eclipse, the color of the moon will turn red, which will be called blood moon. This astronomical phenomenon will be seen especially in Australia, Europe, Africa, North and South America, East Asia and Antarctica.

Why will the lunar eclipse not appear in India?

When this lunar eclipse occurs, there will be day time in India. There will be more sunlight in India. The entire moon is covered with sunlight. Therefore, this astronomical event will not be visible in India. The lunar eclipse can only be seen at night when the moon is in the sky and sunlight is low. Therefore, this lunar eclipse will not have any effect in India.

Astrological perspective of blood moon

According to astrology, blood moon is considered a special astronomical event, indicating some changes and crises in life. Some people consider it auspicious, while some consider it inauspicious. However, it has no scientific basis and is largely based on beliefs and traditional beliefs.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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